Friday, August 12, 2011

Is it weird that he told me he wanted to kiss my feet out of the blue?

Foot fetish folks are fairly common and fairly normal, especially compared to other fetishes. I mean a guy who likes to kiss your feet because he thinks they are pretty is one thing, but guys who like to wear female clothes and undies seem to tend to be a lot weirder and more unbalanced. Foot fetishers are no big deal. Don't worry about him so much.

Best strings for metal sound on Ibanez GRG170DX?

I have an Ibanez GRG170DX, I'm just wondering, what are the best sounding strings that will give me the best metal sound when I have my FAB Metal pedal on? I CAN ONLY GET STRINGS FROM BEST BUY. I have a gift card there and I want to use it on something cheap like this, they have GHS boomers nicket-plate steel electric guitar strings I heard those were pretty good should I just go with those? Thanks.

Which hoodie do you like best? (on a guy)?

I LOVE the first one. This ones cool too! a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Do the Jews Agree with the Christian Recount of Jesus Rising from the Dead Miraculously Through Intact Coffin?

It is even more miraculous than that- He was placed in a new tomb cut out of rock and a 2000 pound stone sealed the entrance. There was a Roman guard of between 12 and 20 soldiers who were killed if they lost a prisoner who guarded the tomb 24-7. Jesus rose from the dead and rolled the stone away and walked out of the tomb. The Roman Soldiers were terrified and ran away. They should have been killed for letting Jesus get away, but the officials told them to say that Jesus' disciples stole His body. I do not think that Jesus' disciples could have over powered the Roman soldiers and rolled the stone away to steal the body. The Roman soldiers were fierce. Those eleven disciples-3 fishermen, a tax collector, and whatever else they were, they were no match for 12 to 20 Roman soldiers.

Is Ibanez RG4 better than RG3?

im gonna buy my first elecrtic and I have in mind the Ibanez RG series. Im thinking in the Ibanez RG3EX1 or RG4EX1 but I dont know which? I have seen people say the RG4 is more expensive and have a lot of problems with the tremolo or something like that. Is it truth? Should I better buy the RG3(less expensive and no tremolo probs)? What Should I buy? I like all kind of rock to hard rock, all kinds of metal to heavy metal.

How do I live with a mentally ill brother?

My brother returned from military school just a couple months ago. He nearly got kicked out of military school and there was literally no other option for him but to go there. My family and I had really thought that he would come home, a completely new person. But he isn't. He trashes our house, curses all the time, sticks his hands in his pants and is just plain old piggish. He takes several per-scripted medications and visits a therapist weekly. He also has a job at Safeway. But, when he is at home, I feel like he is destroying me and my family as people. I don't know what to do, and I'm not the only one in my family who notices these things (I've talked with other family members about it) Things are getting to be really terrible, and it's only a matter of time before he is supposed to leave home (he'll be a senior come ending of summer). I feel so bad, what should I do??

How to stop guitar strings snapping?

If they are snapping at the bridge it most likely means there is a sharp edge that the string is bent over. It may need to be smoothed out. I would have a shop look at it for an opinion.


i have been using the answer ovulatation test for a week now and so far nothing when i know i ovulate. could the test be an error or i should recount my days?

What is the creepiest thing that has ever happened to you?

the weirdest thing ive ever had was almost like final destination... for weeks and weeks i have these dreams of anything... but not just anything, of kinda the future, i ave these dreams wear i dream it then it happens... the worst dream ive ever had was i dreamt my dad took me out in sum place private and tried to stab me and he killed me but i woke up before i died... 16 days latter... my dad tried to kill me... if it wasnt for my dream i would have nvr reached my hands out and stopped his hand from stabbing me... i nvr ever have a dream now that i dont take seriously... ive even had times wear i dream i get beaten up and robbed then i wake up with bruises and scrapes all over my body.. even woke up with a black eye before...

How do you change pickups to EMG 707's on a 7-string electric guitar?

I am about to get an Ibanez seven string guitar, but before I do, I want a list on things to do to change them. If you found an online video to help you, please send it to me in your sources. I'm asking this just in case I get an ARZ307 (7-string Les Paul) with AH37 Humbuckers, and I don't like the sound of the pickups, I want to know how to change them so I can. ALSO: Are EMG 707's active pickups?

Itchy red bumps on random parts of body?

For the past 4 days been having these random red bumps that itch anywhere on my body. I know it is not bed bugs(checked had a bug man come). Wash sheets weekly. Eat right work out half hour a day. Could it be a possible food allergy? The itches are so bad they wake me up at night, and it only happen when I am in my bed and wake up.

Is weekly cleaning out of the would from an ingrown toenail removal normal?

A few years ago, I had the corners of both big toes removed due to them being ingrown. Two weeks ago I had the second toe done--the corner completely removed. The doctor has now seen me twice for what he says is to drain and clean the area. I did not have this done with the big toes. Cleaning it out has caused me so much pain! I'm just curious if this is normal practice. Thanks!

Fantasy Baseball Keeper League Add Or Not?

Morse is beginning to heat up, he may be a good addition. Huff too, he had a 3 HR game a few days ago. But he has no more protection with Posey done.

Does anyone know where I can get an Ibanez HR Giger online?

I went to a Sam Ash once and saw this awesome Ibanez HR Giger, it was the Ibanez RGHRG1. I didn't know at the time that it was a limited edition guitar that was made in 2007-2008 and I wasn't in the market to buy a guitar any ways so I didn't buy it but I started looking for it online and realized that it was a rarity. I wondering if anyone knew where it was still sold online. I mean I could always go back to that Sam Ash but its a whiles a way from my house and chances are they dont even have it anymore. I'm not super serious about buying another guitar yet but I wanted to see online how much it goes for. Thanks

Writing Recounts - Can they be fictional or does it have to be true?

If you lead an interesting life than fact is fine, but if you lead a normal uninteresting life, then make up a simple adventure. Maybe being freaked out by a suspected thief in the corner shop, a group of youths hanging out on the place you have to walk past. Maybe a little fact and a little fiction.

I know you've heard this question a thousand times, but how to talk to my dad about a horse?

if you donl;t have the money now, you can;t aford one. wanting you rparents to shoulder the burden while you " help" is ridiculous. if you can;t afford a horse you can't afford a horse..$20 a week would buy coffee for the guy at the horse boarding facility who mucks out the stalls..

Did anybody get a really high SAT score by studying alone?

i studied alone and got a 2100 the first time and then a 1800 the second time. i really want to get into a good college so i am aiming for a 2300. did anybody do it by studying alone? what did you do? my weak point is essay writing and math. what was your weekly schedule and how long did you spend on that? all my friends are going to academy/prep schools but i can't afford it.

Question about demand/microeconomics?

Tom had a weekly allowance of $24, all of which he spends on pizza and movie rentals, whose prices are $6 per slice and $3 per rental, respectively. If slices of pizza and movie rentals are available only in whole-number amounts, list all possible combinations of the two goods what tom can purchase each week with his allowance.

If you purchase a car with autotrader can you make payments?

I like a car on the website. It is for 2,000 without all the other charges including the license fee and all that other stuff. I was just wondering if it's possible to buy the car yet make payments on it. Instead of paying 2,000 flat out can I do monthly payments of 200 or less? Or even weekly payments? I live in MA and the dealership where the car is located is in NH.

How do I safely clean the fretboard on my Ibanez RG electric guitar?

It hasn't been played in a while and the fretboard is pretty gunked up with dirt and old string funk. I want to clean it without damaging the wood. It really needs some sort of abrasive scrubbing to get all the crap off but I'm not sure what to use. Can someone help? Thanks.

I Just Realized I Have A Bald Spot In The Crown Of My Head Can Someone Help Me Out?

Black female 22. Twice in the past few years my hair fell out in the middle. The first was when my friend braided my hair weekly I noticed month later the middle was thinning. Then it broke off completely after I got kinky twist n it was so itchy. I kept itching not thinking much. When I took them out my hair came out in extensions. I wore a wig for months and when summer came around the middle hadn't fully grown in. I got it cut low at the barber to match the middle. A month later got a texturizer and soon after started going to the salon. Now the way I wore my hair created the impression the spot grew in. Then I decided to Sri k with the fade and since the summer of 2009 I been cutting my hair. Different tines I applied a texturizer or relaxer buy eventually it was cut cut since I cut my hair. All the time I kept saying I would grow my hair back. I decided in may I would be serious grow my hair and keep it natural. I got my last cut may 3rd. Nearly two months I'm seeing the familiE bald spot that I forgot about! I was always brushing my hair so it never occurrd to me that it was present. I was planning to wear a Afro but now I'm very unsure what it will look like when my hair grows more length. I been using castor and jojoba oil. Not for the bald spot buy growth in general. Either way I see no results seeing that the bald has become noticeable due to the rest of my hair growing. I have no idea what I can or should do to get my hair back. I was excited to grow my hair and now I'm feeling doubtful.

How do I deal with old revisions of a book?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Why do Christians not follow the Dietary Laws or observe customs, when James, their leader, wanted them to?

I guess you can say Paul was the victor. He's given credit for authorship for the majority of the New Testament and his message was intended to attract the gentiles. Paul himself claims he withstood Peter to his face because of the difference in the way he acted towards Jews vs. gentiles.

Average taxes taken from paycheck in alabama?

I get $7.45 an hour and I work 18hrs/weekly..I estimated about $268.20 every two weeks but how much would it be after taxes are taken away...I trye the payroll calculated but that ish is confusing so if u can..tell me how much that would be thanks

Thursday, August 11, 2011

My guitar amp doesn't sound like other amps...?

I have a Fender Mustang 1, it gives me stupid presets how do i turn those off, i think that it what is making it sound bad. Also, my amp sounds very gay, why?I have an Ibanez RG

Kloppenburg defeats Prosser - good for Wisconsin?

Total 3630/3630 reported in. Prosser received 739,886 votes, Kloppenburg a relatively unknown received 740,090 vote.

[Ramadan] Top 70 biggest sins?

Yeah! And Muslims have committed every one of those sins and on many occasions have made them into worth commands of Allah.

Need WoW Addon help!?

okay so i heal dungeons and the people i usually run with some times try to blame me for not healing them but its because they stand in the fire or something. is there an addon that shows what they died from or like lists damged taken (not like recount)

Which bass is better: Ibanez ATK or Warwick Streamer?

I am into playing slap, and I can play like half the RHCP songs by flea, but neither of these are availible in stores near me and I hear they are really good and are at a low price so I thought I should get one of the 2 , I currentley have a 5 string GIO Ibanez and It really bothers me because it is 5 strings

My floyd rose is not working properly.?

I have an egde 3 ibanez locking tuner tremelo system. Ever since i bought the guitar, it has given me nothing but trouble. My problem is when i push down on the bar and bring it back up, all my strings tunings are flat. When i pull the bar back to raise the pitch and then let go, the same thing happens although the strings are sharp not flat. I have looked everywhere and no one seems to have this problem. Please someone help.

Problem with high E string on guitar?

I've been playing guitar for about 3 years now and I've never broken a string that whole time period. Until now.. In the past 4-5 days I've broken 2 high E strings.. And this morning I almost broke another one. I play the Ibanez AEG10E, this is the guitar that my strings keep breaking on. The other two guitars I have I never had a problem with. I don't even want to tune my guitar anymore because I'm scared the string will break haha.. Any suggestions?

Which acoustic / semi bass?

I personally think the Takamine EGB2S at about $500 would be a better bass than either the Epiphone or the Ibanez. You might want to try one out. Godin also makes some great acoustic electric bass guitars (A4 & A5 models). They're closer to $1000 new but you might find a used one. On the slightly less expensive side you could also try out a Michael Kelly or Washburn. They're both pretty good and cost around $450. Just don't go real cheap and buy a Dean or you'll regret it.

Jackson vs Schecter vs Ibanez vs Metal Music?

jacksons are the best. and metal never gets old....i view it as classic rock mixed with classical music...with energy of course \m/

Relationship Help Desperately Needed!!!?

leave jeff cus thats christies guy and its ok to get wit her mom and dont tell her anything about this

What are we to make of encounters where anomalies "dress" in plaid or checkered fabrics?

I am kind of suspicious about the Bigfoot in plaid, but a ghost being seen in plaid would not surprise me, since it is a common color scheme all over the US, esp in farming communities.PS it is nice to see someone besides me injecting a little logic into nonsensical answers certain people put forth as the ultimate truth.

What's the best guitar multi-effects pedal for around $200 and will work properly with my Spider IV?

Well you have a spider modeling amp and those have many effects so I don't know why you would spend more money on a pedal. But the boss-ME-25 is still a great pedal.

Should the CIA at least look into that suspicious election that a Democrat "won" in New York yesterday?

Besides for that Jewish run city, the rest of New York where that election was is very Conservative.I hope we demand a recount.

Help! cant buy imvu credits?

ive been trying to buy credits at a discount website called time i try to buy some credits it wont let me. i make sure all my information is right but it says "We are sorry to inform you that your weekly buying limit has been exceeded. Please wait for Our support team to check your profile." i have never bought anything from this place besides me trying to. i waited a week before using it again but said the same thing. if you have any answers to this i will need it. thanks

Why is my laptop being so slow?

Could you list your computer specs? That would help me pinpoint a hardware issue. The anti-virus programs can slow it down, but it shouldn't be that major. Is the problem only online? If so then it could be your internet connection (could you tell me that also? Uverse? DSL? what speed?).

Genesis 1:1 When was the beginning?

No. “The heavens and the earth” were created before the first creative day began. This is important because 1:2 begins, not with the creation of the earth, but with its development. God evidently used the sun’s natural forces of gravity and heat while he proceeded with the creative days. He used natural forces that he created to aid his development of the earth.

I'm in a relationship with a guy who doesn't dance, but I absolutely love it. Should I stay with him?

It's been a couple months and I really like this guy. He supported me through one of the most trying times in my life and is a great emotional support. We can both be pretty stubborn, though, and one of the things I love most to do in the world is dance, but he says if he were to dance, it would change who he was. He loathes it and will never dance with me. He says he won't even dance at his wedding, and I can't even fathom that. I can't stop bringing it up, like a terrible addiction. I feel like I'm less important than this fixation he has on not dancing, and I feel like a jerk whenever I bring it up, as he does, but I feel like it somehow shows how he doesn't care about me enough to do something I really love with him. I dance with other guys, but I feel like somehow he should at least be a little jealous if I bump and grind with someone else, and that it's not right. It implies I'm undesirable if my own boyfriend doesn't even want to dance with me. I imagine what it would be like if I were with a guy like him, but more outgoing and spontaneous with me, dancing and being crazy about art. I feel like he doesn't understand that. Should I stay with him? Or is this something silly to get hung up over? Please recount your own stories overcoming similar differences if you can and how to decide if it's worth it.

Folkelore myths and legends?

why don't you expend this much energy trying to find the answers on your own. I keep telling you they want to know what you know not what everyone else knows!!

Should i buy the ibanez XP300FX?

I personally play an Ibanez Xpt707fx and i love it. I mean its all personal preference. i dont know if you can order one online but it might be cheaper. If you love the guitar and love metal its a great guitar. if you feel like investing in quite a few pedals you can play almost any style with good proficiency but i love the guitar and wouldnt trade it for the world. if you dont like the original though id be hesitant because thats still a lot of money spent on something you dont play a lot. i play mine almost daily

Which is better an amp with effects or pedals?

i was thinking about getting a new amp. there is just one question i have. one amp i am looking at is a fender that has many effects so i wouldnt need pedals. the other is a ibanez with had basically no effects and i would need to get pedals. which is better in the long term? if i got a new amp to do performances with could i keep the same pedals?

Weekly Earnings for a waiter?

I want to be a waiter for part time work when i go back to school in the fall, what should i make per week? I dont really know what weekly earnings is, does it include hourly wage?

Best way to promote LIVE webcast?

I have a live weekly Webcast. It starts the same time every week, What would be the best way to get live numbers up? I've promoted on forums etc.. The archive numbers are pretty good, but the same people calling in constantly gets stagnant and it's a great show so I'm just curious if there are any tools out there to help the live numbers

Should I propose this trade? Could he accept it?

I would definitely do that. Jeter sucks (offensively) and Butler will only get you average. Wilson has done really well this year.

How did Judaism and the Hebrew people/culture actually originate?

No one really knows. There was definitely an Israelite people and kingdoms that lived in Canaan. Where they came from, and where their unique belief system originated (and it *is* unique, despite the many references to other ANE religions) remains shrouded in mystery.

How can I write this function on VBA- Excel 2003?

I have a range of cells that I add data to on a weekly basis. At the end of the week, I cut this range and paste it in another sheet within the same file. The trick is that I have to paste it in the reverse order. So, cells from B--> H needs to be pasted in the reverse direction H-->B. How can I do this using VBA?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Should I get a new guitar amp?

I have a very small 10w amp that came with my guitar (Ibanez starter kit lol). The guitar is actually really nice but i desperately need a new amp. My birthday is coming up and I was thinking of getting a Line 6 Spider IV 75w amp. Ive played on one before and loved all the features. Is this a good amp to get? Also, I understand that this is a digital modeling amp, and not a tube amp. If you have and suggestions for tube amps that are as good or better than the Line 6, please tell me. I would prefer to stay under $400 price-wise. Thanks!

Wiring in guitar repair?

I bought a white ibanez flying v at a guitar center for brand new that was on sale for 250, after a couple days of playing it, the sound went out. i opened the back plate and noticed ther was three wires that came off the the toggle switch that selects the pickups. one white wire and two red wires. i tried taping the white wire and one red wire and i got it to work for a awhile then the tape came off. is there anyway to fuse these wires back on properly?

Why is 'Birdsong' by Sebastian Faulks called Birdsong?

It is a book of contrasts. In the nice bits, like the Norfolk countryside or the French village, you can hear the birds singing. In the nasty bits, like underground, it is unnatural, so there are no birds singing. The author is saying, things are good in peacetime with nature allowed to flourish. They are bad in wartime with guns scaring the birds and terrible conditions underground where are no birds or anything natural.

You are a seal, how do you do this?

You are a navy seal. All of the other grayish black seals are racist jerks and hate you. They laugh at you and call you names. They never let you join in any seal games. You're fed up, so you decide to pursue your life long dream and go into show business. Unlike other seals before you, you don't want to be in the circus. You want to become a movie star. You succeed, becoming famous for your Oscar winning performance alongside Jet Li in "Seal Team Six", a Disney production for kids recounting the killing of Osama bin Laden. One day your fame becomes an issue. TMZ has shown up outside your aquatic mansion. Third time in about 6 hours. You decide to take drastic measures to drive them away. How do you do it? Please remember you are a seal.

Is there a gps device that is like the following description, or does anyone have a possible solution to this ?

You can get GPS receivers with GPRS modems. Of course, they will only work where there is the appropriate GPRS service.They could be powered by long life batteries.

Will you read about this in any of the liberal print media – the NYT, Washington Post, and all the rest?

lol this story has been run everywhere, including the most liberal papers. What planet do you live on?

Economics question on weather one should continue a business?

Accounting profit does not account for opportunity cost, personal desires, and life goals. All those are illustrated by economic profit. The profit max rule being MR=MC (marginal revenue=marginal cost). Wendy's was started in a perfectly competitive market. Due to market conditions (price taker, large number of competitors, similar products) it is not uncommon for a firm in a perfectly competitive market to earn an economic profit of zero. This does not mean that a firm should quit.

Can a dent collecter threaten you with the police if you dont pay up?

i got stuff on credit and ended up selling the items due to debt then i couldnt afford to pay them the amount they were asking i askedfor it to be reduced but they wouldnt so had to stop paying i had a debt collecter come out today and said if i dnt pay such amount today they was poilce waiting around the corner to arrest me i didnt have the amount and neither can i get it so offered to pay ex amount per week which they refused, then said they would give me till friday to pay and if not i will get arreseted for fraud and deception is this true i felt so intimidated and scared and bullied i dont know what to do i konw ive done wrong and have offered to pay it back weekly its stressing me out could do with some advice thanks

What's a good way to start jogging?

so yeah, I'm trying to start jogging on a day to day or weekly base, and i want to know a good program/schedule for running

Is buying a guitar online a good idea?

I would like my dad to buy me a new bass guitar for my birthday. I'm after an Ibanez SR305M, blue bass. I've seen it on a reliable site (gearsformusic) but my dad keeps saying I shouldn't get it on the internet and I should go to a shop. Is it ok to buy guitars online? If not please tell me a shop in West Yorkshire in the UK that sells a starlight blue Ibanez SR305M bass.

Why Do Republicans want Rules enforced " Big Govt " on Gays , Muslims, and Poor people. But not themselves?

Republicans are always complaining about the govt getting in the way, they sit around and cry all day about having to pay taxes, and how regulations are killing business, and Obama is Anti Business because he wants to pay the national debt... They make signs at tea party's about the GOVT leaving people alone. But then they advocate for Government being all up in the face, with regulations, and intrusion, rules, all in the face of Gay people.. They want Government to get in the way of Muslims building a Mosque in NY. They want Government to have the right to Discriminate thru TSA agents at the airport for extra pat downs on Muslims as promoted on Fox News. Republicans also promote big govt for poor people, Right now Fox News and Republicans are pushing for Drug Screen's. Which Will cost billions of dollars to weekly test every welfare, medicaid, and unemployment beneficiary. They want govt to step in and make abortion illegal. If Republicans really wanted small govt they should want it across the board, you can't just want it for yourself, but want it for all of your ideological political opponents. Stop Cherry picking , Small govt is not only Conservative Christians. But everyone else Big govt.

Pakistan was told in 2005 about Osama's whereabouts, but dident act? what do you think of this?

well they were obviously hiding him. maybe not the government as a whole, but certainly a few officials were keeping him hidden. it's just like the first few times we tried to capture bin laden. every time, we would rely on local assets to do the job, and every time, there would be an ambush and no bin laden. so someone was obviously selling our assets out. that's why we didn't even notify pakistan about the raid until it was done. they would have probably sold us out.

If there were weekly meeting places where atheists gathered to learn about the scientific origin of life...?

...what would they call that? Church has a religious connotation which would be inappropriate for the occasion but 'science-meety-place' doesn't sound good...

I'm in a new and great relationship, with a great girlfriend, why do I have thoughts of wanting to break up?

I knew her for about 8 months before we officially started dating. We are both college aged. I just graduated in December and she is due to graduate this coming December. I'm not afraid of marriage or opening up. She has all the things I look for in a girl: positive, smart, good communication, well traveled, great smile, physical attractiveness is on point too! We have been together for about 4 months and I could see this being an even greater relationship than past ones bc we share just enough in common that we aren't totally the same but can still introduce the other to new stuff. We have weekly bible studies, just the two of us, that have really brought us together too. So, why do I keep having these flight feelings?

Is New York City and Chicago doing the right thing for a recount population?

Me I feel like Black and White population is being undercounted population, I think they overcounted the hispanic and asian population cause in Chicago and New York where the Puerto RIcan population had been declining fast.Black in New York and Chicago are hard to count I think they should recounted so we can get a accurate count on these ethnic population in Chicago and New York I think Oakland should do the same.

Is this CRAZY i really like this girl in my group of friends?

i met thes girl last year at College i knew who she was all year and hung around her but we never seemed to click. then with like a month left before summer it started to feel like she was Beginning to like me i always made her laugh, we would pick on each other but in a flirtatious way, and once the one time i could not make it to the weekly thing we both went to she wrote on my wall about why i wasnt there. we found out we are both going to a concert in a week and are planning to hang out. i guess i just cant tell if shes flirting cause thats what she likes to do or if she likes me and if i ask her out will it hurt our friend ship if she says no?. any advice?

Built in Guitar Tuner?

Okay well i got a Electric/Acoustic Guitar 2 days ago and its a Ibanez Talmon TCY10 and it has a built in tuner.It came with a battery and i unwrapped it and put it the tuner thing wont light up or the tuner messed up,do i need to have a Guitar cable or is it possible that i just need a new battery though i havent even turned it on?

UGH I SUCK at riding???me venting.........?

You own a horse, and ride 3-4+ times a week?!! That all wouldn't happen if you weren't an a mazing rider, with loads of motivation! Dont be so hard on yourself! So what if you cant get one little move! You'll get it soon with all the motivation you have! Dont give up!! you worked very hard for all this! Dont just let it fall!

UK residence only - How so you feel about most city/town people moaning about 2 weekly bin pick ups.?

All mine gets picked up every week so it isn't an issue. We only have a plastic tub for recyclables, a bin for food waste and a bag for garden waste (although I compost as much as I can). Where my folks live, they have a fortnightly pickup and have a large wheelie for recycling and they don't seem to have any issues either.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Baseball fantasy experts - trade evaluation?

I would make that deal but only because you have more than enough pitching to counter the loss of Haren.

What will you choose : ibanez S prestige, or a Gibson SG?

I really wan't the S series, but I just realized that tremolos is a ****** pain in the ***, and the non-tremolo guitar that I really want is the SG.

Looking for a new guitar amp?

I have a very small 10w amp that came with my guitar (Ibanez starter kit lol). The guitar is actually really nice but i desperately need a new amp. My birthday is coming up and I was thinking of getting a Line 6 Spider IV 75w amp. Ive played on one before and loved all the features. Is this a good amp to get? Also, I understand that this is a digital modeling amp, and not a tube amp. If you have and suggestions for tube amps that are as good or better than the Line 6, please tell me. I would prefer to stay under $400 price-wise. Thanks!

I want to buy a new guitar? any recommendations would be appreciated.?

The telecaster is my favourite guitar, but check out Godin. They're a lesser-known brand that packs a serious punch.

Mets Owner bashing his players? Your thoughts plus some of the article inside->?

Yes, that's exactly what you want to tell the press when you're trying to sell part of the team. What a jack@ss. Ever since he and his idiot son bought out Doubleday, they've gone from a pennant winning team to a joke. I used to hate the Mets, now I just feel sorry for them.

Has anyone ever won a recount when...?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Where can i buy entertainment weekly magazine here in the philippines?

There's this double special issue of Harry Potter and I'm such a Potterhead that I need to have it so bad. Please help.

How did the Jewish Festival Purim being?

Okay so im working on a project for school and I know everything else i need for it but i just need to know it began (the festival i mean) like the only close thing i can find is "Purim is a festive Jewish holiday recounting the deliverance of the Jewish people from extermination plot by Haman the Agagite" but that is what Purim is. I need to know how it started . Thank you for your help !

What does Wi's Kloppenburger expect to gain by costing Wi at least 1 mil. for a recount?

I thought I heard that the cost of a recount would go to her only if the vote results were MORE than a few hundred votes difference. On the news today they said that the tax payers would pay for the recount of a difference of 7300 votes. Can Walker stop this frivolous action?

Help on replacing guitar strings on two different guitars?

I need to replace 2 strings on 2 different guitars. The first guitar is a Ibanez model V70CENT and I need to replace the D-string. The second is a Yamaha FG-441S and I need to replace a high E-string. Any suggestions on which string I should buy for each respective guitar?

Plz anwser quickly whats a better guitar for metal Jackson Js22r dinky or Esp LTD V-50 or Ibanez GRG170DC?

plz anwser quickly whats a better guitar for metal Jackson Js22r dinky or Esp LTD V-50 or Ibanez GRG170DC please my bday is 15 days away and they all are 250 and i want a guitar that is fitting my genre(ex thrash metal death metal)

How many presidential elections have needed a recount, such as al gore and george bush?

how many presidential elections have needed a recount, such as al gore and george bush? that type of deal. where it was so class that they needed a recount!

How to convince my mom to get me a good guitar?

To be honest the Epiphone DR 100 isent bad for its price, a lot of people scoff at a $99 dollar guitar, but this thing gets great reviews and the one I played seemed quite solid, sounded very good, and the action was real good right out of the box, its not exactly my Guild D40 but you get the drift. talk her out of 14 more dollars

Looking for a guitar?

Any suggestions? I don't want to spend over $500, but I want a nice one. I was thinking the Epiphone ES-175, but it's too thick for me. But I want a hollow guitar, with the Les Paul look too it, but want it to be thinner in the body like the Ibanez Artcore AG75. I know it's picky, but is there such a guitar?

Is the "Eppiphone Les Paul Studio Limited Addition" gutiar any good?

I have had if for a while now, and I love it! Really good sound and it's awesome, but, I don't know if it's actually the right guitar for metal. I hear people craving over Ibanez. Are they better?

Is a Ibanez GRX20ZRD GRX Gio Electric Guita a good guitar?

I need a guitar with good sound that will last a while. I am a beginner and am lost in the buying process.

Guitar Question If I 'unfloat' my Ibanez edge zero tremelo can I use alternate tunings without a full re-setup?

You need a device called a tremol-no. Im not sure if it works with that tremolo, but it works with most others. Otherwise you would need to block the tremolo and add extra springs so the tremolo always returns to the beginning position but no matter how you tune it, the springs will always have more than enough tension to keep the bridge on the block. Ibanez made a part, I think it was called the backstop which consisted of a L bracked and 2 small screws to block off your tremolo in exactly this way.

Job ideas for when i grow up?

Hey im going to be 12 in few months and now for some reason i'm really stuck on thinking of what I wanna be when I grow up. I do not want to be a doctor because i don't like cutting people open, I don't want to be a lawyer because i don't win arguments..and I was thinking of being a caretaker from seaworld or the zoo. But i'm really thinking of being a hair person. like someone who cuts hair and styles it. So if anyone has information on a hair stylist please let me know below. I would like to know how much money you get weekly or monthly, and stuff of that sort. If you don't, then please list some things I could be when i grow up. or some jobs i could get. Please leave out being doctor and lawyer because..well I already told you. but anyway please help me and 10 points for the best informative answer. thnk u so much luv u all xoxo!!

I have started a job and paid monthly can i get any benefits till i get paid?

i have started a new job were i will be paid monthly and my last job was weekly how can i get money untill i get paid

Rehab centers for drug & alcohol addiction?

First off, you need to speak to a professional. A professional will tell you if your sister is really an addict and will tell you what options are available to you. She can most likely get free assistance living in Canada, but it depends where. Unfortunately, you tend to have to pay for the good places, but it's worth it since it means recovering.

Can someone solve this for me?

John Mason is salesman with Mason’s Appliance store. Mr. Mason receives a weekly salary of $550 at Mason’s. He receives 9% commission on the total dollar amount of all sales he makes. What must his total sales be in a week if he is to make a total of $970?

Can you rob someone of their heavenly rewards by praising them to others?

This is probably a bad place to ask anything like this, but I'm hoping to get at least a couple of thoughtful answers...I heard a pastor on the radio telling a story about someone in his church. The story required that he recount something good that this person had done, and the pastor mentioned that he wouldn't name the person, so that this person could still receive the reward for what he had done when he got to heaven. I thought it was interesting that he said this, but I've never heard of it before. So is it possible to praise someone for some good they've done and subsequently rob their rewards from God from them? It doesn't sound right to me.

Barn Frustration, what shall I do?

Talk to your instructor about it. Maybe she is paying but she isn't telling you to make you feel less superior. Be honest to her.

What gauge strings are best for Drop C and Drop B tunings?

I play guitar and Im really into metal. I like the lower tunings but I never play them because I prefer light gauge strings. I usually play d'addario regular light, .10-46 and I always play in drop D. I want to drop one of my guitars down (Ibanez RG321MH) to drop C and possibly drop B without having to change strings every time I want to go down between C and B. What gauge is good for both?

The Grieving Never Ends?

It means that you do not forget the death of a loved one and that the memories linger. I think that the statement is correct as far as it goes. The memory does fade in most cases after some time has passed./

Monday, August 8, 2011

My friends are confusing and I feel used by them?

-Then either DO something about it ( lay down the law) -or get better Friends. They can't "Use You"- unless You Let Them. :(

What did the presidential race of 2000 between Gore and Bush demonstrate about our election process?

Means no matter who u vote for, they gonna put who ever they want in office. Why i never vote ever. Gore and Bush where numbskulls. Might as well appoint a dictator

My first baby was a c-section?

I was 6 cm for 4.5 hours and on pitocin for 8 hours because i was overdue before they decided to do a c-section then while on the table after they pulled my baby out they told me I could never have a vaginal birth. I was crying, very upset. They said my pelvis is to small for babies to fit through, that my baby was stuck in there. I sit and look at my baby and think of the process and procedure and recount my recovery pain, still dealing with because my ueteris still didnt drop. And it makes me depressed that, that is the only way a baby can come out of me. It discourages me to have more kids and if I do it is only going to be just one more, because I will try for a boy than I am done. Has this happened to another woman I am just so upset about this and 3 weeks after everything it still bothers me. If someone who has the same issue could giv eme some guidance on how to work through the news on my own because I just cry about it all the time, and I even relive the c-section in my dreams. please no nasty comments

Ibanez rga32 or esp ltd 400 series (ec 401 mh350nt etc)?

Check out the Schecter 006 elite's, but look for the one's people have modified with the EMG 81 & 85's. These are great guitars and in my opinion play better than my Gibson SG and Les Paul. The 006's w/ the EMG's go for around 150-200 bucks on ebay and I have personally bought two of them with these pickups for 152 and 167 bucks.

Teen Sewing School Harrisburg PA/ Hershey PA/ Hummlestown PA?

I have been sewing for a few years, have gotter good, and love it. The prolbum is I moved and I can't find a teen sewing school in Harrisburg PA/ Hershey PA/ Hummlestown PA! I wan't to find one that you take a weekly class, work on a project that is different from everyone else and is bassed on skill level. PLESE HELP!

Which guitar is better?

I am not a fan of ibanez but it is probably the best of the three. You should try guitars out and see what you think. You can get a much better guitar for the same price if you shop for second hand stuff. My friend has a schecter damien elite that is really really nice and it is not expensive. Just look around and try stuff out.

Can someone summarize Axolotl by Julio Cortazar? i cant tell if im missing something in the story?

i know the story is about a man living in paris and he watches the axolotl in the cage and is amazed by it. but throughout the story is all he does recount and watch how the transformation of the axolotl take place?

What guitar should I buy?

I found a deal on craigslist for an Ibanez RG350 MDX that comes with an amp, guitar stand and a case for $150. I also found a Schecter Damien 6 with an amp and stand for $180. I will be playing heavy metal/thrash. What one should I get?

Ibanez vs; yamaha or frender squier bass guitar?

which is better bass guitar fender squire,ibanez, or yamaha i have play for many yrs.there is no music store around me.i have to order it on internet.i have rouge bass guitar it sucks

Should I accept this fantasy baseball trade?

This is a good trade for u b/c hitters r mor important because they play everyday also u can trade or drop garza along the way

Do colleges redo GPAs?

Right now my GPA is a 3.9, except it would be higher if I went to a different school. I have a lot of 90s and 91s, which is considered a B+ in my school, but in other schools around our area they are considered A-. I'm looking to go to a good college, so will colleges recount GPAs since schools have different GPA systems? Thanks for your answer!

You are a seal, how do you do this?

You are a navy seal. All of the other grayish black seals are racist jerks and hate you. They laugh at you and call you names. They never let you join in any seal games. You're fed up, so you decide to pursue your life long dream and go into show business. Unlike other seals before you, you don't want to be in the circus. You want to become a movie star. You succeed, becoming famous for your Oscar winning performance alongside Jet Li in "Seal Team Six", a Disney production for kids recounting the killing of Osama bin Laden. One day your fame becomes an issue. TMZ has shown up outside your aquatic mansion. Third time in about 6 hours. You decide to take drastic measures to drive them away. How do you do it? Please remember you are a seal.

I was on unemployment for 6 months got a job 32 hrs a week. Never notified unemply just stopped making weekly?

Claims. Now 30 days later and new job cutting hrs to 20 per week. Is my old claim still good? I want to quit cuz commute is 45 min each way :(

Senate Bill 679, What are your thoughts?

My thoughts; another attempt by this administration to deceive the American people and slowly take away more of your rights and liberties.

My cat was diagnosed wth FIP, Feline Infection Perotinitis, a deadly disease with any cure for it.?

He always vomiting and suffering from diarrhea on a weekly basis. I feel so sorry for my cat. He's my baby, a great companion and I 'm devastated to see him suffering. How long is he going to live and be miserable? What should I do to him? I need a second opinion from anyone there.

What bass amp do i need?

I've been gigging with a guy that plays a really small Genz Benz setup. The head is very small, and the cab is I think 2X10's. He levels the stage with it, and I dig the sound. I like bass players that play GK, or yeah, of course Ampeg (the standard). But the Genz Benz is pretty amazing, and very portable.

Oldsmobile Alero pwr window electrical issue wont roll up regulator including motor has been replaced already?

My 2001 Oldsmobile Alero is having electrical issues. I had my passenger power window regulator replaced this month because my window would not roll up last month. But I rolled it down today it went auto down but would not roll back up on using the driver side or passenger side switch to operate the passenger window. Turned car off for a minute then back on and tried again. Didn't roll up, waited and tried again and it rolled up. Thankfully it was not raining out. I have a friend that told me they think it's a short somewhere in the electrical wiring? Do have to rip apart that car and replace all the wiring? I'm very aggravated and I have a lot of time on my hands and very short on cash. I do not have a lot of money to take it to a dealership and no longer trust my repair shop they screwed me over a warranted AC compressor that's now defective and has not been replaced. So taking it to the shop is not an option as I do not trust repair shops. I do not know of anyone I can take the car to and I have been trying to save for a new car but this car has something go wrong with it each and every month if not weekly.

Is it possible to still feel weary and tired after over a week of giving blood?

I gave blood a little over a week ago (1 pint), and when I try to go running like I usually do it's really hard for me to keep up with my normal pace or even run as far as I usually do. Could it be because I am small? I'm 5"3' and I think bout 124 pounds (I told them I was 126) and I am 16. I might actually weigh less than that but still I am pretty small. Could it be because of the red blood cells having to recount? Somebody please help. I haven't been able to workout like I usually do.

Guitar amp sounds and buttons?

Hey I'm a beginning electric guitarist (2 lessons so far :D) and I paired an Adam Levine 222 First Act electric guitar with an Ibanez IBZ10G amplifier. If I play the electric guitar without the amp it sounds acoustic. If I do it with the amp it STILL sounds acoustic. What knob do I mess with on my amp to make it sound like a rock guitar somewhat sounding like My Chemical Romance's song "Dead!" The guitar sounds almost like thunder. On the amp I have gain,treble,bass,middle, and an off and on switch,but there's ANOTHER small button that says off/on. Any help?? Thanks

How does an athletic teenage girl stay healthy but lose weight?

im 14 about 5' 6'' and weigh 126 pounds. I play basketball, volleyball, and run on a weekly basis to try and stay healthy. i could probably be a little thinner around the middle section. What can i do to lose the extra weight but stay healthy why im doing it. I know i need those carbs and calories and things like that but what do i need to eat and how much do i need to eat to stay healthy and loe weight, PLEASE HELP ME IM LOST!!!

Lag Spikes in World of Warcraft?

Lately ive started getting On and Off lag spikes in WoW, eairler this morning after one got me killed in World PVP I contacted a GM. The GM helped me through several troubleshooting steps which improved my comps preformance and lowered the severity of the spikes. Later I compleatly reset my UI to Blizzard Default, WTF and Interface folders deleted, and I got no lag spikes. When I readded a few of the Addons and WTF settings for my saved addon settings I noticed a few lag spikes. I know the root problem may be my addons, but I hope not. Could anyone give me more ideas to try that could help? Along with that, can someone give me a list of Addons that demand alot to run and thus can cause problems like this? Bartender, Xperl, DBM, (Fan Updated Bosstalk), NPCscan, AtlasLoot, Titan, Prat, Recount, and Grid. All are up to date.

Built In Guitar Tuner?

okay so i have a USED ibanez talman TCY10 and it has a built in tuner(AEQ-200T) and i put a brand new ,s in went out and bought a new battery pack and none of them i need to have an AMP for my tuner to work or is my tuner messed up?HELP PLEASE!!!

Do Americans think less importantly on someone who doesn't speak perfect English?

You don't have an accent and you sound better than some Americans! You do however need to learn more words. I think this person's beef with you is that you don't express yourself well. You hesitate and say meaningless things until you can find the right words to say what it is you want to say. Americans are impatient. You need to get to the point!

Am a bit nervous to...?

As you said, scratches can easily show on a black finish but if you're careful and take good care of it, you can keep it looking good while still as natural as it came. If you're the kind that just kind of leans it against a wall or something when not playing, I wouldn't recommend a black finish.

Question about the 1985 Ibanez RS 440 guitar...?

I have an old Ibanez RS 440, the same one featured on "Back to the Future" that Marty plays auditioning for his school dance. lol... anywho, I can't seem to find an original wiring schematic for it. There is a small two-position toggle switch between the Tone knob and the Pickup selector/5-position switch.... can anyone tell me what the switch was originally supposed to do? Right now, that switch isn't connected to anything, it is simply there for cosmetic purposes to fill what would otherwise be a hole in the body. If I knew what the switch was for, then I could wire it up, but.. I'm stumped.

Why do guys with girlfriends watch porn?

(I'm sorry that it's long, please bear with me!) I feel like my boyfriend watches porn too much. I just don't understand why? Please don't say "well you look at men too." Because the truth is, everyone once in a while I'll see a guy and think "oh he's attractive," but it's not even on a weekly basis. I don't watch porn or look at other guys naked or think about other guys naked. I think my boyfriend is the sexiest thing ever and he's all I need! Then I also see guys saying "porn doesn't demand us to do things" or "it takes less effort to jerk off to porn than to have sex." First, I'm not demanding of my man at all, unlike "most" females. If he does something for me, it's completely of his own will and I do things for him as well. Second, that just sounds like you're being lazy and selfish and you'd rather have something other than your wife/girlfriend. I'm willing to have sex with my boyfriend whenever he wants it, yet I'm STILL catching him watching porn. It really bothers me too because all he watches is lesbians and has talked about threesomes a lot in the past, but I can not bring myself to do that because it feels like cheating and is completely against my morals. :( I also feel like it's totally cheating if he's having sex with another girl, nonetheless in front of me?!? I honestly feel ugly and unwanted when my boyfriend watches porn. I keep hearing "well most guys do it," but why? It's fake and completely unrealistic. Real women don't look or act like that. If that's what really turns you on, what do us women have left? It's impossible to please you. You always just want something else. I feel like watching porn is the equivalent of receiving nudes from a bunch of "sexy" friends/females and jerking off to those or visiting those friends/females and jerking off in front of them. Sure you're not touching them, but you are still getting sexually aroused and pleased by THEM. To me it's all cheating. :/ I feel like sex should be something intimate between you and your partner, not something you do with everyone. It really upsets me, I've cried many nights over this fact. I just want to know WHY so many guys do this to us? It really hurts. I just want to be loved and appreciated. That's all I ask. I'm a simple woman & easy to please. (By the way, I am in no way religious. I do have values and morals though.)

I just got my 10th Std results...!!can i apply for recounting?

I am from Tamil nadu. i just got my results 482/500(matriculation board).But i was expecting a mark above 490.Can i apply for recounting? Will it do any good?? I need suggestion pls......!!!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Who is the WORST defensive outfielder in the MLB ?

RYAN RABURN! Did you see that play yesterday. He came in on a fly ball and then the ball was ten feet over his head. He's terrible. Johnny Damon and Aubrey Huff are pretty bad too.

Buying tickets for a Shriner's Benefit concert at a discount a bad idea or a good way to save money? July 6,?

I bought a weekly plus coupon deal for 4 tickets to Big and Rich on July 6 in Denver. Is this a bad idea and is there anything I need to do to make the night work for us?

Any good manga you guys recommend?

I already read most of the manga's in Weekly Shonen Jump (I don't want to read Reborn! or One Piece at the moment). It doesn't have to be manga, it can be manhua or manhwa.

My horse is getting bored?

so i have weekly lessons and we do some dressage and some jumping and my horse & i both love it! but i ride 5 other days a week and all i do is wtc in the ring and i think my horse is getting bored of it.. i cant take out poles or jumps & we cant ride in the field cause they're building an indoor.. any ideas?? we dont have access to trails either.. thankyou!

2 credit payment options, which one?

To be honest I'd go for option 1, it's true that you won't be able to get a decent car for a while but it's more important to be debt-free. If you need a car you can always use public transport for a few weeks until you get enough money or buy a small used car that's really cheap but is enough to at least get you to your destination. Besides, having credit-card debt reflects badly on your credit score so of you've got debt it will be harder to buy your new car with a loan or monthly installments (it's better to pay your debts before buying the car). As your your parents finding out, well they will find out that you're without a car anyway so might as well just get the debt over and done with, if you spread out your payments across several months (apart from having to pay interest) your parents will almost surely get to know.

Is it a good idea to go in to sales/marketing?

Sales is a lot of fun, you will get to go to all the events, you will earn more money than the operational people, however the salary is always a moderate figure- if you are good with people, and you can believe in your product (that it will enhance a person/business in a positive way), then you will always make money. To answer your question - your salary will be $200 per week, and On Target Earnings will be $450 (if you hit your targets). Generally the OTE is achievable though, so be positive about it

Fun things to write in a diary?

I like to muse about things like what is the meaning of true love? and bigger questions like what is the nature of the universe. I also like to make lists of things like healthy foods to snack on, recipes I want to try (and later, how they came out), prioritize my life (1. health 2. relationship 3. school, etc), think about what is most important to me. Try to discover who I am.

Which blog publisher should I use?

If you want to appear completely professional, use blogging software on a personal web server with a domain to cut ads and brand names. If not, just use Tumblr.

Can i get financial help for cobra?

I have been laid off from my job and my husband is disabled and not receiving a monthly income. I receive $275.00 weekly for unemployment. Can I get help with my COBRA payments which are over $800.00 monthly?

What is the least expensive way to rent a car, in terms of the rental company, online special rates, etc.?

I used to work for Alamo Car Rental, but that was 20 years ago and I have not rented a car since then. I just checked their weekly rate for an Economy car and they are not as low as I had hoped. They used to be one of the lowest priced of the major rental companies. But that's no surprise, I always thought that the car rental industry was one of the shadiest businesses I have ever worked in, trying to frighten renters into buying optional insurance coverages they usually do not need if they have their own auto insurance. Management made no secret that rental companies made little or no profit on the actual rental fee, the majority of the profit was made on the insurance coverages. Now there is a long list of extra surcharges and taxes that I don't think even existed in the industry 20 years ago. Would I save much money renting a car through Priceline, or other online specials? I welcome all answers/suggestions.

What does "Bi-Weekly Cleaning" Mean?

The prefix Bi means two.. in bicycle there are TWO wheels, if someone is bisexual they like TWO genders. so Bi-weekly cleaning means cleaning twice a week

Psychological Disorder?

Sound alot like OCD or perhaps an Autism Spectrum Disorder. How old are you? Is this a recent thing or have you dealt with it for most of your life?

Guitar Pedal Line up?

I am thinking of trying a new order for my guitar pedals. This is my order now. Morley volume pedal, crybaby, digitech whammy, ibanez ts9, boss metalcore, boss super chorus, boss dd7. Let me know if you have any ideas. I just wanna try something new. I have a fender hot rod amp, and a custom carvin tl60 with coil splitters.

Okay so i know not to add all fish in their tank at once. HELP!!!?

i would wait longer than a week to add the ghost shrimp after the platies. they really need a stable tank. space each addition out to 2 weeks, i'd say.

Just a quick question...?

Biography and autobiography is a good one because it can compare the same story from two different perspectives. The first is written by someone other than the subject whereas the latter is written by the person themselves. If you could find tow works you could show the differences in the books since only the second would be written from, personal experience. Also the autobiography would tend to leave out things that the author does not want to include such as indiscretions, love affairs, drug use etc.The former of course, may have been written without the subject;s collaboration in which case it will be a collection of stories, second hand accounts and observations.

Mormons: About those gold plates, why were they necessary?

Smith would put a stone in a white stovepipe hat and would then see the required information in reflections given off by the stone as he stuck his head in it. He was in no danger.

How do i save a game on Scooby-doo crystal cove?

i`m playing a game on scooby-doo crystal cove the one where theres a weekly game and i don`t know how to save it so all my work is lost how do i save it please help

Have you ever done this?

I've done that before when I was like 6 years old. I felt completely normal and somewhat refreshed. I agree, it does feel like your free. I was really disappointed when my parents told me to go back inside the house and put my clothes on.

Life Insurance advise needed?

The standard "rule of thumb" is 10x your annual salary in a 20-year term life policy. Stay away from "whole life" or "universal life" policies, these are mixtures of insurance and investments and that isn't what you want. In your case look for a basic $950,000 (an even 1 million if you like) policy on a 20 year fixed term. You can get quotes pretty easy online - if you have no medical issues, companies will likely be falling over each other getting you to sign up. You're mid-aged male with good salary and long life expectancy - the kind of customers insurance companies love.

Is it possible that I haven't developed an immunity to mono? Third time.?

A couple of days ago I woke up with a full-fledged throat infection. (Red, almost purple throat, enflamed tonsils/glands, white patches on the tonsils etc.) A day later I started feeling the all-too familiar extreme fatigue and abdominal discomfort. I went to a walk-in clinic today and the doctor took a throat culture. He said it was probably strep, but could also be mono. I said I'd already had it in grade five. When I recounted this to my mother later, she was quick to remind me that I also had it as an infant. Which leads me to my question; If I've had it twice before, is it possible to get it a third time? Does that mean I don't have an immunity to it? Anywho, the doctor didn't poke around to see if my spleen was inflamed either.

Who should I add from waivers?

I'd go with markakis. He isn't doing great right now, but he should straighten his stuff out soon. If you don't like him, definitely go with Abreu.

B&A: And now... for something completely different.. (aka silly)?

There was a Raven episode; here's the link: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Will i lose weight on this 1200 calorie diet? 10 POINTS :D x?

It depends, you need to exercise, try walking, or jogging 3 miles everyday and you'll lose some weight. If you're feeling hungry, eat, just don't stuff yourself. Cheese and crackers is a good snack after a workout.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Which Bass Guitar should I buy?

I'm looking towards buying a new Bass and I was thinking about a 5-string, my choices have come down to either a Ibanez SR505, or a 5-string Warwick, My budget is about $650 dollars, and I'm planing on getting them used, I mostly play Progressive Metal/Djent.

Why the Chinese haggle like a rickshaw puller even though rickshaws have almost disappeared from China?

older generation in China still recount how they had to bargain and haggle very hard over the fare before they could hire a rickshaw. Rickshaws have almost disappeared in China, but the sort of haggling that was typical of rickshaw-pullers is still prevalent in China. Why is it so?

Please help, people with legal experience preferably :)?

you can definately appeal, there is no question. but you will lose. you're supposed to read it, and now they are legally defended. sucked in :)

How do you get answers from people without being annoying?

I'm throwing a party and invited a few people. they are all being quite bad at replying, its a facebook thing so i know that most of them have seen it and just not replied, ive been sending weekly inboxes to people trying to get an answer they keep saying 'maybe' and 'will let you know' but knowing my friends they prob wouldnt let me know and i need to know in advance for food and drink etc. i think i'm being reallly annoying to them and i don't want it to get to that point where they just don't come cos they're annoyed with me! how can i get people to give me a straight yes or no without keep on pestering them? thanks x

Why am I playing so badly?

Whenever i play guitar it sounds bad. The way i play is fine, ive been playing for almost 6 years. I am using an Ibanez Gio and a Peavy Viper amp. PLEASE HELP ME!! Its hard yo explain but it just sounds bad, like there is to much distortion and it always go's out of tune and just sounds really bad.

What guitar should I get?

I have an epiphone sg g-400 right now, I was really looking into fender, ibanez, a good epiphone, and b.c rich.......WHAt should I do??? ( price range is 450-1000)

How do I change pickups on an Ibanez guitar?

I'm thinking about getting an ARZ307. I need to know, just in case the pickups have a bad sound, how to change the pickups to active EMG's. All the YouTube videos that I have watched confused me. PLEASE HELP!

Opinions on my story so far?

Honestly, you don't have a good steady flow in your writing. I can't distinguish what your story is about. You're writing about one thong then describing something else. Also, ( idk if it is like this in Canada ) but in the U.S. you go to middle school before high school, and elementary before middle school (aka junior high). A few tips, focus on the message you want to convey in this passage, such as, the purple light. When you start off your story, you don't want the reader to know everything, allow then to ask some questions. Also, you do not need to describe your babysitter so in depth, if she an important character we will discover her personality through her speech and what others think of her. I know more about the babysitterthan I do the point of the story. Also, it's great that you want to tell how you and Annah met, but I frankly don't care about what the teacher thought of Annah's moving around so much. If that is a key component ofthe story, play with it a little, try building up to this flashback more and kind of have your mom and Annah's mom talking about you two and then tell how your character and Annah became friends in a brief way. Since Annah is clearly going to be a main character, you have time to describe her and your relationship in the story. Final tip be more descriptive but not overly descriptive, and give some but not all the information, and last but not least be creative but focus your creativity.

Fender or Ibanez acoustic guitar?

I was wondering which one is a better brand for an acoustic guitar. I was thinking about getting another guitar since the one I have right now is just a cheap one(around $80). I was thinking about spending around $200, if you could also give me links to different guitars that would be awesome! Thanks!

It looks like Justice David Prosser will be victorious over JoAnne Kloppenberg?

At present, but when investigation is finished, it may reverse again. Just like Kloppenbrg's claim to victory appears to be premature, so would it be for Prosser or his supporters to do the same now. Gleeful gloating and name calling by anyone, including your own, does not prove anything except their immaturity and lack of worthwhile input. .

Will my husband get paid a full check next week if he uses sick days this week?

My husband is using his sick days tomorrow and friday at work. We are planning on going on a vaction next weekend so my fear is that when he gets paid next week it wont be a full check. I called human resources and told her what days he is going to use and she said okay thats fine but his sick days wont go on his check until next i didnt understand that part..........can someone ease my mind in letting me know if his check will be the same next week as if he worked all week this week.........he gets paid weekly...........Iam a worry wort lol

How often and how large of water changes should I be doing?

If the filtered tanks are planted I would do 10 weekly and 25 percent monthly the unfiltered should do 25 percent weekley so I'd get a small filter if I were you

How did the Tea Party Republicans manage to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory in Wisconsin?

Total 3630/3630 precincts reported in. Prosser received 739,886 votes, Kloppenburg a relatively unknown received 740,090 votes.

What is wrong with me? My friends think I am autistic...?

I am not socially akward, but i say weird thing on purpose at waitresses, my friends, etc. I am completely aware when i do this excpet for when i sometimes call people scooby doo without warning. Along with this, the fact that i can recount every dbz saga, hp book and have a gift at music my friends have come to the conclusion that i am autistic, whats really wrong with me?

How Can a 13 Year Old Try NOT to Spend Any Money?

I am 13 years old, with a $5 weekly allowance. Well, it used to be $10, but since I got a phone, it lowered. I want to save up for something I want to but, like an iPod, or a drawing tablet, but so far, i only have 10-15 bucks! I spend my money on the little food mart after school, or at a little art supplies shop. I let my mom borrow money because she really needs it. How can I make myself not spend any money? Any advice or tricks wll help me alot! Thank you!

Can someone pleaseee interpret my dream..???? pleaseee?

First of all one needs to understand that dreams are symbolic representation of our inner self since they are reflection of our mind which is a store house of data collected over a period of time. The mind analyses and projects possible solutions to our problems / tensions in the form of dreams. Therefore, this dream is also to be taken symbolically and not to be taken literally. Tarot cards indicate an urge to know about the future /Time ahead. Seeing tarot card flying off and search for it means that in the present situation one is looking for favourable situations but they are not coming easily.The lady in the other house indicates a desire for help from unknown quarters which looks lucrative. The missing cards indicate uncertainty about the future. The meaning is that the present state is of uncertainty full of expectations which can only be achieved by facing the reality. BOL(Best of Luck)

Started a new job with AAA, when do i get paid?

I just started as a tech last week (last monday)and i was wondering if anyone here knows their pay schedule, im not at work now so i cant find out this minute. Is it bi-weekly? Plus would i get paid this week if it is, or do i have to wait an extra week for my first check? Thanks.

Puppy mill what do you think 10 points best answer?

Puppy mills aren't the best place to deal with in my opinion but a animal rescue or the humane society might be a better place to start. Good luck on your presentation.

What are some good metallica/slayer/megadeth type lead guitar settings?

Hello I have a vlh 15 amp with an eminence speaker and it has a megadrive/clean mix and a straight clean bypass channel (megadrive has gain,tone,and volume and clean has low,mid,high,reverb and reverb. My effects are Jekyll and Hyde (overdrive/distortion pedal. An ibanez ts808 tube screamer. A BOSS CH-1 super chorus. A crybaby standard wah and a Jackson v I forget what series I was curious about suggested settings for all these not factory settings unless you think they sound best I was trying to play rhythm and lead together but if that's not possible I don't want to but a multi-effects board so please don't suggest any I don't like them and also thanks for all the answers.

Putting really heavy strings on my ibanez rg..?

I have a floyd rose set up on my ibanez. I am in the process(not yet started) of putting 10-60 gauge strings on there. my question is if the strings might be too tight for standard tuning? btw, i know strings such as these arent meant for standard but i just wanna know if they could go there. Last time i had some 52 gauges and they were really tight at standard tuning so i cant imagine 60's would be any better. and i already have 5 tremolo springs.. any opinions?

Would you go back if this happened to you?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Which guitar is best?

To play like malmsteen fender but in my opinion Jackson has better guitars to shred on and can find one pretty cheap i got my jackson v for 350 at guitar center it is so easy to shred on

I run a motel where tenants pay weekly.How much notice do I have to give to evict in Fl.?

One week. When they pay next just tell them this is their last week. Be sure to note this on their receipt for the rent.

Are Legacy bass guitars any good?

I have found a legacy bass guitar on eBay for about �150, it is a thunderbird shape and comes with what the seller described as a Premium hard case. I have not heard of these instruments much at all and do to the price of the thing and the fact that it comes with a Premium hard case i feel that they make awful basses. Please tell me if i am wrong and give me suggestions for a bass to get. I'm strongly thinking of getting a Ibanez or maybe a OLP. Thanks alot.

How many jobs should you apply to weekly?

I have heard of people applying to hundreds of jobs weekly. I work so I don't have the time to do that. However, I want to apply to a reasonable number. Is there a 'good' number, or as many as you can?

Will Lifetouch call when they receive my background check?

I just got a call from Lifetouch and I am pretty much hired pending a background check. Just curious if they will call me when they get the background check. I want to give my present employer as much notice as possible. Also do they pay weekly or biweekly?Any and all information will be appreciated.

What is the order I should put my effects pedals in?

as long as you only use one on at a time i dont think it should matter but if they're all on at the same time then it changes it a bit:

Did Jesus really exist?

So, you confirm indeed, that there is more evidence for the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ than for any other personal event in ancient history. OSM

A good way to start off a recount ?

I usually start out with something about the story I read is "A Cap for Steve." This story took place in (time period). The people involved are...

Friday, August 5, 2011

What is ur weekly cleaning?

routine what rooms do u clean what cleaning Supply do you have and what cleaning products do you use in each room

What would happen if I did this.?

What would happen if I plugged an Ibanez Tube Screamer into a solid-state amp? Would the amp stop working or blow up? Or would nothing happen? Its a random question, but it would be cool if it made the amp explode.

What percentage of my husband's check should go into a 401 k? (he gets paid weekly)?

401K plans that are provided by companies are notoriously bad at investing, possibly because they don't really need to impress their customers. The plan is chosen by the company based on what they can afford, not on which one does the best job of money management. Tell hubby to skip the weekly deductions, keep the extra money in a savings account and then have payroll put part or all of his last paycheck of the year into the 401K.

Should American Idol recount the votes?

After Pia's shocking (and wrongful) elimination, do you think that American Idol should recount the votes?

Help me decide which book to read for my summer reading project?

The Grapes of Wrath. It is a really good classic and can parallel a lot of what is going on now in the economy.

Does anyone know the author of a short story recounting Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac from Sarah's perspective?

It's a piece of fiction and I read it for a class in undergrad. It essentially recounts the story of Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son from the perspective of Sarah as she follows secretly behind her husband and pays a traveler to dress as an angel and acknowledge Abraham's faith and willingness to sacrifice Isaac for God, effectively saving her son. Has anyone read this short story too? Anyone know the title or author? Thanks!

Can anyone help with the name of this movie?

A few teens go off to an island (I think by boat) and one by one they are murdered. The only survivor is a girl who recounts the story (through her eyes) at a police station and says she can't remember bits and twists other stuff. It turns out at the end she is the murderer and was saying her name was 'blah blah' but actually turned to to be someone else. Any Ideas?

What will happen jagged rocks flew from the Mexican side of the river officers fired shots @ rock throwers?

Those kids are hired by the Mafia to guard and distract the officers. Those kids with the rocks use rocks to kill animals for food, and have killed small deer with them. They are deadly force, and while most don't believe it can be done, the Mexican Military knows it can be done, and were probably involved in the drug smuggling.

What is so wrong with me?

Don't kid yourself. She talks an hour and a 1/2? Who would waste their time if they are not interested? She just may not want to contact you 1st. Up to you, buddy. :)

What option should i choose? Help!?

To be honest I'd go for option 1, it's true that you won't be able to get a decent car for a while but it's more important to be debt-free. If you need a car you can always use public transport for a few weeks until you get enough money or buy a small used car that's really cheap but is enough to at least get you to your destination. Besides, having credit-card debt reflects badly on your credit score so of you've got debt it will be harder to buy your new car with a loan or monthly installments (it's better to pay your debts before buying the car). As your your parents finding out, well they will find out that you're without a car anyway so might as well just get the debt over and done with, if you spread out your payments across several months (apart from having to pay interest) your parents will almost surely get to know.

What is the best legal was to deal with a REALLY noisy neighbor?

I live in a duplex and the walls are pretty thin cause it's a very old house that was remodeled to be a duplex. I have a 16 month old son and try to keep him on a set schedule as far as naps and bedtime goes, but this neighbor is HORRIBLE! He has a little dog that yaps at all hours of the day and night, and most nights we are kept up by him and his friends. In fact, some nights he is so loud that I can recount the entire conversations he has, and they're actually very offensive if he has female company. He is foul mouthed and chooses to express himself by yelling more often than not. Not to mention that most of this happens from 9:30 pm til whenever they pass out. My husband has to get up about 4 am 6 days a week to go to work, and it makes it impossible to get my little guy to bed at a set time most nights. It doesn't matter where you are in the house, when they get going next door, you can hear it. What should I do? We're not very confrontational, and I'm 5 months pregnant so between the losing sleep and hormones I wouldn't be the best to talk to him and my husband works almost 16 hours a day and doesn't have the time. I need some major advice?

Why do I always end up feeling horrible?

I have friends, family, and a girlfriend. I spend time with my friends practically every day, I chat with my girlfriend on skype every day and spend time with her when I can. I get to do things that I love such as play tennis and video games and just chill out during the hot summer days. But despite all of this I often feel hopeless and painful and think of suicide. It's not like I feel like this all of the time, I can go out and have fun and laugh and feel really happy, even high on life, but these depressive feelings always come back at least on a weekly basis, more oftenly every other day. Is this just general depression or what?

I want to buy a new bass?

So I've been playing the bass guitar for over a year now, and my skills have improved tenfold since I started(well, at least that's what my teacher says and I suppose I agree with him.) The bass I have is a good Ibanez beginner's model, but unfortunately I am going to be honest and say that I'm getting tired of it. It's not all that fun to play as it was, and I have recently tried out a Spector bass at a shop which totally blew me away! It played so smoothly and easily, I didn't want to put it down. I had never played a bass like it. However, it is quite expensive so I want to save up for it...or should I wait for a while longer and not buy such a high-end instrument?

RAMADAN: Is obedience of Rasoolallah (saww) ISLAM?

Islam is all about Mo. Without him, it never would have existed. Notice when Muslims say "the prophet" they all know it's Muhammad who is being talked about. That is because they don't worship or follow any prophet of God, just Mo.

Was it really sleep paralysis?

Sleep paralysis is paralysis associated with sleep that may occur in healthy persons or may be associated with narcolepsy, cataplexy, and hypnagogic hallucinations. The pathophysiology of this condition is closely related to the normal hypotonia that occurs during REM sleep. When considered to be a disease, isolated sleep paralysis is classified as MeSH D020188. Some evidence suggests that it can also, in some cases, be a symptom of migraine.

In To Kill A Mockingbird, what has Scout learned from the episode when Boo kills Bob Ewell?

I have read the book but need some help with a homework question, what has Scout learned from the episode she recounts? This question pertains to the time after she returns from walking Boo home after saving her and Jem and killing Mr. Ewell.

Is it legal to own airsoft guns in the UK (Scotland)?

I would like to buy this airsoft gun i dont want to buy it incase the police come and confiscate it or worse, it will probably only be used in my back garden or if i take up airsoft on a weekly basis



Ladies?? facebook photos?

Okay, girls are humans too. Not items for men to just stare at over their computer screen. If you really "like" this girl, then maybe you should try telling her that the pictures make you "uncomfortable". -__- Yeah. Highly doubt that one. Get a life you pervert.

Whats the nicest concert ukulele?

I specifically want an acoustic/electric ukulele, and i was wondering whitch is the nicest? I was looking at this ukelele: Ibanez UEW20SGE EW Concert Acoustic-Electric Ukulele

Edited and added to. Is it too busy?

Nylon marshmallow clumps! "Touffes"! You win one close-by star for this! Of course! Petroleum byproduct marshmallows. Plastic princess rings? Are the rings plastic? Or the princess? You are our Real princess, your style of poetry is always refreshing, even feminine and light! Thank you! G.

I have been awarded weekly unsupervised access of son - what happens if the mother still refuses?

As the court have said you have rights to see him, she can't stop you. She has no right. You could go pick the child up yourself from her place of residence, and if she doesn't show up to bring him to you, you'll need to talk to your solicitor so social services. Denying a child the right to know their parents is wrong, even if they're no longer together.

What is the weekly rate for babysitting?

I was wondering what the normal weekly rate is for babysitting. It would be a Mon-Fri job from say 8am-4pm. I usually do 8 dollars an hour but I was wondering if it would be different if i charged weekly. If it was hourly, It would be close to $340. Does that sound fair or should it be cheaper? I just need to know what's fair and what the usual rate is. I'm from California.

My cat was diagnosed with FIP, Feline Infectious Peritonitis. Dry or no water accummulation.?

He's always vomiting and suffering from diarrhea on a weekly basis alternately. He's appetite is good but got still bony and cannot regaining his normal weight after giving foods that he likes. I feel so sorry for my cat. I hate to put him to sleep but if I can keep him as long as he can, I would do it. I need a second opinion on how can I help him inspite of the known fact that no treatment or cure for this incurable disease. He's been suffering for 6 months now and he's only 16 months old. Anyone there can give some suggestions? I gave hin all my love and care. For how long do you think he will live?

Bass Case for a 6 string?

I just got some new bass strings for my 6-string bass, but I don't know how much string I should cut off near the end. If it matters, the strings are DR high-beams of a lighter gauge.

Did Superman recount his citizenship because he voted for Obama and now he knows he made a big mistake?

His parents were able to build a fraudulent identity for "Clark Kent", and I think Clark may have missed the last election. I need to see "Clark Kent's" birth certificate now that you mention it.

Can you answer this maths problem ?

Really? One percent of any quantity can be easily found by moving the decimal two places to the left, thus 1% of $537.50 is simply $5.3750. Round that up to $5.38 since we do not have any currency smaller than pennies and add it to $537.50 to get $542.88. I mean, really?

Help me with guitar choice?? Ibanez TCY10E or Ibanez AEG8E?

Which one would be easiest to play for a female at intermediate level? Also I know these are electro/acoustic guitars, however it wiill be for acoustic play only. Will these be suitable?

Buying a new electric guitar soon and really confused, enlighten me?

sounds like your playing style will be more thrash metal just like me, so i would reccomend one of the jacksons, jacksons are designed for metal, and any cheaper range ibanez's are not very good for metal tone, untill you can offord more expensive pickups or a nicer ibanez, so i would reccomend the warrior

I need to remove 6 inches off my waist in a month?

i am planning to jon the army in 1 month i need to remove 6 inches off my waist or gain several inches on my neck how can i do this? can anyone recommend a weekly plan for me?

Help me.... this hard english?

I'm sorry to say this, because I know it's not helpful to you...but you can't expect someone to do all of that. Do your own homework, ask the teacher for help, get a tutor...don't just copy the answers

What is a prohibited steps order and would this help me? (im in uk)?

I have only just been awarded weekly access/visitation of my 18 month old son as my ex refused me access after i met someone new in september 2010. now this has been awarded, my ex is saying she wont turn up to the meeting point the judge has ordered and says she is gonna move to the other side of the country to stop the access. (childish i know) its been suggested to me that i ask for a PROHIBITED STEPS ORDER next time im in court. what is this, what does it mean and would it help me i really do want to be involved in my little boys life?


Ok let me make your minds clear...I have heard people say that WoW is and addictive game that ruined their lives and so on...Typical stereotype of trying to blame something or someone for your answers always makes my laugh..wait..hahahahahahaha....heheheheh… ROFL!!! ok im done with my sarcasm....Like I was saying I hate all the people that whine "uhg Wow ruined my life..." "WoW is a game that is addictive" and also the most popular comments if you play WoW.."Yo don't have a life" "You are wasting your time" "Go get a realm life" "You don't have friend that's why you play WoW" "You don't have a life" Oh men! I think I should stop because I wouldn't have more space to write! This comments are but sadly..............FALSE! First of all for all of you people that says WoW ruined your life that is not true........WoW didn't not ruined your life YOU, YOU MADE THAT CHOICE NOT A STUPID GAME! For all of you whiners you ruined your life, you choose to spend hours in front of your computer playing WoW, you made your choice of leveling your character to max lvl in a short time... You choose not to go to work, school, do chores, go out with friends, because you were playing...who's to blame THE GAME, Oh NO..NOT THE GAME..YOU ******** ONLY YOU because you have a mind of your own, you have to put limits..WoW is just a game like other games, it was made to rescue you when you are bored..and if you choose to play WoW and forgot about other important things..Well to bad for you that is YOUR CHOICE!!!! Second of all is the typical person that says "You don't have a life" "Go do a social life" "You don't have friends"...Even in the game you hear this, especially on battlegrounds and you know the IRONY of this, players full of HEIRLOOMS say all of this comments, sweet IRONY..(Let me take a moment to laugh again) hahahahahahaha....hehehehe Big *** LOL!! ok I'm done.........OMG....Let myself get clear, WoW is a game that most people like to play and that doesn't mean we don't have a life or social life...We play just for fun...I play WoW, I love WoW, but I don't give my life for playing it, I do enjoy playing once a while or when I have absolutely nothing to do..and I play 3 sometimes 4 hours when I do play, then is back to the thing I do..Is that simple WoW hasn't ruined my life and I have been playing since it came out...Awesome Game ever but not as AWESOME as FIFA games LOL!!!! Let me have a recount of my so called life: I graduated in 2008 in the top 5 rank, I work, Im attending a university, trying to finish my bachelors in business, I hang with my friends sometimes we travel, sometimes we play WoW! FTW...I play soccer in my university team, hope someday to play professional soccer MLS just to start go big someday!! Im dating my girlfriend for about 2 much love to give!!! I'm learning to play the chelo and piano,..and like to spend time with my family...And yeah this is my life and i think is a good life and is has not been ruined by a game because I CHOOSE not to.. lioke that is hard to do..and for all of you that say this is not a life or social life to bad I don't care or give a damm of what you mean I don't want to have a typical life that many people especially teenagers and youngadults imagine doing. Like for example: Oh lets go to the club and get so ******* drunk and then lets pick some girls get them so drunk and have harcore sex with them, so at the end you wake up with a hangover and then find out you hape AIDS or You just pregnant that women, girl you just have sex with.........People thing this a social life..well not for me and they say WoW ruined their lives my ***...My conclusion is WoW is just a game and if you choose to ruined your life don't blame a game that's your own fault and decisions.. ...Also I apologize for my use of language and if I offended someone...SORRY...PEACE.....also tell me what you think , Is wow to blame for ruined peoples life or is their own fault?

Can anyone tell me the title of this book?

I once read an interesting book by Derek Humphrey called JEAN'S WAY. It recounts the author's experience with assisted suicide. Some years later, the author's second wife (or partner) writes a book where she recounts the black side of assisted suicide. Can anyone tell me the title of this book? I gave this book away and now would like so much to get hold of another copy. Thank you.

Which electric guitar should I get?

i would totally go with the ibanez. they have amazingly thin wizard necks and are great for all types of music. I have a cheap 200 dollar ibanez from years ago and it is still great. I play anything from joe satriani to even job for a cowboy and necrophagist. including escape the fate .

Should i go the pawn, ebay, or keep it? Harmony Bobkat H15?

I have in my possession a classic 1967 Harmony bobkat electric guitar that is in iffy shape. Ive had it for a little while but it doesn't do me much good without an amp to play it on and i need some money, i dont really want to keep the bobkat because i am am in a metalcore band and its just not of use to me. It needs a new set of tuners but after that it doesn't really need anything else its in great shape and i even found the old guitar case as well! no i dont plan on getting top dollar for it but i do plan on getting some money. Im looking at getting an ibanez RG4EX1 guitar from the local pawn shop for 150.00 and a 110 watt amp for about 65.00 THIS PLACE IS CHEAP AS HELL. but i dont know if ill get my bang for my buck, would ebay be better or should i just keep it and make it a project?

Christians, do you have any kind of encouraging account to uplift others at this time?

Faith is the most powerful support. In 'The Autobiography of a Yogi', there's a chapter about how two penniless boys with great faith in God, went to tour a city without food, water, train tickets or money. They were provided evrything by strangers... U should take a look at the book, the chapter titled- Two penniless boys in Vrindavan.

39 weeks pregnant with constant headache?

I've had a headache for two days now and its gettin worse. I've taken tylenol but it didn't help at all, and I know that I shouldn't take more than 1000mg in 24 hrs. So I don't wanna take anymore. I went to my weekly appt yesterday and my blood pressure was slightly elevated. Not to high but higher than it has been. Is that why I have a headache? And every once and awhile it'll feel like theres something heavy on my chest, not painful just a lot of pressure.

Guitar for $300 or under?

I'd take the Hummingbird. That seems to be the only good cheap guitar with a rich tone. The black guitar.. my mom has a black acoustic and it is very hard to keep clean. every time i play it i always try to get it cleaned. You will get fingerprints on it and trust me It WILL SHOW. No joke you can spot the prints from a mile away(a little exaggeration) Hope that helped

What would you have done in this situation?

Out of respect for kin, my father and grandfather went to the funeral of someone that was their relative...I forgot exactly how they're related, but they're not terribly close. Anyway, this person was pretty young (I think he died in a motorcycle accident or something), but anyway, when they got back they told me that at the funeral there were mainly young men there who were apparently this guy's friends. From their description, it sounds like they were blaring industrial rock music inside the building, and there was a display next to the casket, which was a synthetic skull with a candle in the middle (I think), and a plaque or something that said, "rock on" underneath. My dad recounts how one of the guys there said, "Yeah, this is just like one of our raves!" My dad and grandpa didn't leave early on, seems like they may have been waiting for the clergyman to come in and settle everybody down, but no such thing ever occured. So they came home very disappointed and upset. What went on was obviously not appropriate funeral behavior, but did my folks do the right thing by not asserting themselves? Or could they have done more? Or would have been less rude to just leave in the middle of the service?

Thursday, August 4, 2011

I want to read Berserk will i be disappointed ?

this manga is epic its really violent really screwed up and just plain great i haven't read the whole series yet but what i have seen left me in awe i never read anything like this i highly recommend this

Does anyone know of an under 21 daily/weekly car insurance, England?

i only need insurance for a week/month and i am 19 y.o. does anyone know where i can get insured in England?? no-one in my family drives so i cant join any of their policies.

Would the blue jays do this trade?

i am a 100% phillies fan. this trade would definietly help the phillies but would the blue jays do it? the trade is phillies trade michael martinez , raul ibanez and a few minors for jose bautista and corey patterson? would this be a good trade?

Buying a Ibanez acoustic guitar?

Im looking for a new acoustic guitar for my mum for a birthday present. She has been playing over a year and has got to intermediate level and doesn`t like the guitar she has now. It is a fender which came in a beginners pack. She doesn`t like the sound or the feel. I`ve been looking at Ibanez guitars and apparantly are the best for females as have thinner necks. Just need some advice and maybe some decent websites for purchase and reviews. The price range is hopefully no more than �300

Jeff Beck Stratocaster fender guitar has Ibanez sign on headstock,wtf?

title~ its pretty old imo, my dad's, just noticed it actually!! arent ibanez and fender different brands?

Are there any Texas Universities that have Farmers Markets come out weekly?

I think i read some where that a college has a farmers market come out weekly.. but i cannot remember if it was in Texas or not..

Isn't christianity in abit of a mess?

Yes. The first chapter of Genesis, a light is created. The Sun doesn't get created until day 3. So where was this light coming from?

What Seymour Duncan pickup goes well with Invader SH-8's?

I have an Ibanez RG370DXL and I was after some new pickups seeing as one of the original ones has blown. I was going to get two Invaders for the bridge and the neck but there is a single coil pickup in the middle. I have contacted Seymour Duncan about what they would recomend and they came back and said Hot Rails. However its a rail pickup and I was just wondering if these two different looking pickups would go well together eg: a twelve dotted humbucker and a twin rail single coil. Please get back soon!

How much is reasonable to sell this guitar for?

You see used ones all the time going from between $100 and $200. The $200 one would be in excellent condition though and come with a gig bag. A reasonable price to ask would probably be $150.

What would you do in this situation?

You are a navy seal. All of the other grayish black seals are racist jerks and hate you. They laugh at you and call you names. They never let you join in any seal games. You're fed up, so you decide to pursue your life long dream and go into show business. Unlike other seals before you, you don't want to be in the circus. You want to become a movie star. You succeed, becoming famous for your Oscar winning performance alongside Jet Li in "Seal Team Six", a Disney production for kids recounting the killing of Osama bin Laden. One day your fame becomes an issue. TMZ has shown up outside your aquatic mansion. Third time in about 6 hours. You decide to take drastic measures to drive them away. How do you do it? Please remember you are a seal.

Do you ever tell yourself stories at day's beginning or end? Do you practice what to say to people?

Sometimes when i'm bored i pretend i said something really crazy to someone i know and then make up what i think their response would be to that comment. Its kind of strange but yeah i only do it when im bored so i guess its not so bad...

I'm worried about skin cancer, parents aren't?

You're not overreacting. Your parents are idiots. Beg to be allowed to stay home when your mother goes tanning.

What did Al Gore do wrong in 2000 election to lose it?

I am not talking about recount in Florida. IMHO, it should have never gone there. USA was coming off with an incredibly strong economy (thanks to dotcom bubble), Clinton was still very popular. By all convention wisdom, Al Gore should have won it in a slam dunk, but he did NOT! He didn't even win his home state of Tennesse. What gives? What did he do wrong?

Is the journal idea over used in ya literature?

I am writing in first person pov, but have thought about a journal style book vs the recount of events over a given period of time. what are your thoughts? It's a fantasy fiction book for 11-18 yr in particular.

Why did the USA make such a big deal about the spread of communism?

Because other communist/socialist economies prevent ours from expanding and profiting. We want other nations to import as much as our goods as possible, but if a communist government controls a potential import nations economy they aren't likely to buy as much because the goverment owns everything. It's a bit more complicated than this, but this is essentially what it's about.

Why do so many Christians believe that Hell is an unending place of suffering?

God says it. His word says it. Need any other explanation? =D Nah! God says it and thats good enough for me

How does this make you feel about Mexico Migrants forced to be sex slaves in Mexico?

that's sad, they really need to crack down on these criminals that take advantage of poor innocent girls that look for a better future to get treated lower than dirt

Should I accept this fantasy baseball deal?

I would get Miguel Montero and Alexi Ogando for Lance Berkman and Jon Lester. My current catchers at Ruiz and Salty, and I also have Bucholtz and Hamels, along with Fister,Marquis,Lewis,Harrison. I also have Ibanez/Morrison/Moreland/Rajai Davis/Hunter that i've been using between OF and UTIL.

Suggestions for a really good heavy rock guitar?

You could get a nice Les Paul Standard for that price, it's an all around guitar. My personal favourite.

Does anyone know any songs to play on a 5 string bass?

I just bought an Ibanez sr-305 and its my first 5 string bass and I dont know to many songs that can be played on a 5 string other than some stuff by nickelback.

Do you teach your kids about charity and helping?

I don't have children yet. However, I admire very much that you are trying to instill such compassion in your children. The other customer had no right to comment. I think it is marvelous for people to give time for other people. If only everyone saw the world with compassion in their eyes.

What bands/singers would I like?

You might like Deicide. I compare them to Blessthefall a lot. Check out their song Holy Hell. Thats my favorite one.

Whats the best amp for an Ibanez AEL20E?

Just looking for a nice amp to play in my room, and maybe a talent show or two, nothing too big. My price range is between $150-$300. A link would be nice.

Help wit my WoW addon?

So I have just recently downloaded /Recount. I have not had a chance to even use it yet because im in school and cant use it till i get home. However I have put in the addon folder and every thing and was wonder do i just type /recount or -recount after a boss in a instence or dungeon?

Autism autobiography, was she misdiagnosed?

Donna Williams definitely has autism, it is your understanding of autism that is misguided. People can have autism and also have other disabilities/ mental health issues.

Guitar Amp issue, what to buy?

Ok, i currently own a Fender American strat and LOVE IT!!! play all my blues and SRV, Hendrix on it... I want to get a Fender Hot Rod DeVille 212 III 60W 2x12 Tube Guitar Amp to get better sounds for that stle but i will get (with it) a Ibanez Jem 7v to satisfy my rock needs(Vai, Satriani, Guns n' Roses, E.g.) is that a versatile Amp? what should i do?

Who think that American Idol threw Haley under the bus?

I think it was pretty obvious that judges didn't like Haley. I think she was hands down the most criticized contestant in a season full of undeserving compliments. Make no mistake Scotty and Lauren are talented, but they do not hold a candlestick to the innovative, bold, evocative Haley. She was robbed but I am confident that America has not seen the last of Haley Reinhart.

Whats a good metal based guitar?

crap you want a good electric, find out what ALDO NOVA was playing in the early 80's. the guy had guitar battles with himself. he also helped start BON JOVI's career. pretty sure he had a Gibson.

How much butter is safe to eat daily?

For years I didn't eat butter or even any kind of margarine due to thinking it unhealthy. Anyway, I've decided that fat must be important in the diet and over the last few weeks I've introduced 500grams of 80% fat butter weekly to my diet on top of about 2 boiled eggs daily and a tablespoon of Extra Virgin Olive Oil. The rest of my diet is 2kg of fruit and vegetables daily, wholewheat pasta, Weetabix, low fat dairy and a chicken breast. Is a 500g tub of 80% fat proper butter (Kerrygold with no vegetable oil) too much or healthy? I'm 48, 5'11" with athletic physique and weigh just over 14 stone. Please no spam or acai berry answers as they will be reported.

What guitar amplifiers are good for metal ?

I need a new amplifier, Preferably one capable of playing small time concerts, maybe mid time gigs. I play alot of heavy/thrash/death metal so i need somthing that can deliver mid-high gain. I use a les paul copy, and by the time i get the amp, i will have a MXR zack wylde distortion pedal and a Ibanez TS-9. My budget is anything under �200, maybe a little bit more if i strech it. thanks.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Entertainment weekly Harry Potter? I just read about Entertainment Weekly and them having a feature on Harry Potter...does anyone know when it is released or if it is already released?

Eclectro-Acoustic guitar Amp settings?

I think you should just experiment, put up the bass if you like a nice deep tone with the lower strings

International students Melbourne Australia?

How much do international students in Melbourne Australia make per hour part time? Is it enough for food ,rent and other basic necessities? Is one paid daily weekly or what? And what jobs are there anyway?

Underage drinking once in a while, is it bad?

During the summer, once a week ive made plans to drink alcohol. Im 16 years old, and yesterday i had 4 shots of Jack Daniels whisky. Im only going to be doing this on a weekly basis until the end of July. Is this very bad, or is it fine as its only going to be a temporary thing im doing?

Can I install EMG 81 and 85 in my Ibanez ART80?

I want to change the stock pickups and I have heard these two pick ups really are worthy of price. Even if Install these will it sound as good as guitars which come in installed EMGs? Is the installation process difficult? Plz help me out...

Why didn't I get paid correctly?

Ok payday is FRIDAY and TODAY is pay day. I worrk at a retail store. I started training June 22 and June 23 (wednesday and thursday) and they only paid me for those hours. I did 22 hours starting friday (24th) up to yesterday (30th) and they didn't pay for those!! We get paid bi-weekly so why wasn't I paid for that week?

Can i put any bolt on neck onto my guitar?

I have a cheap Yamaha eg112 which is basically an imitation HSS american strat, I am familiar with wiring, pickups, and re finishing guitars so i decided to completely redo my guitar, i also want to install a floyd rose tremolo system, the body is already re routed but i dont want to destroy the neck, so i was going to buy a kramer or ibanez neck that is routed for the tremelo kit, will my intonation among other things still work with any neck? please any info you have will help

Recount on Teachers Day Concert?

What are you talking about? I don't understand. Is the question supposed to be a topic? what is it? I have never heard of it.

My guitar amp doesn't sound like other amps...?

I have a Fender Mustang 1, it gives me stupid presets how do i turn those off, i think that it what is making it sound bad. Also, my amp sounds very gay, why?I have an Ibanez RG

A riddle about three men in quicksand, and they have to guess their colour hat?

you must have the riddle wrong because if there is only 3 hats and the man in back can see two of them he will obviously know which one is his

Should i get a Epiphone EB3 or a Ibanez?

I want a new bass and have been playing for about 3 years. The bass i have atm is a 5 string Peavey international Series but i will keep that or either get a epiphone or Ibanez. The Ibanez i will probably get either a JTKB200 or a JTKB300 but i don't know what the difference is. My price range is about �100-�200 I have also found a Ibanez RD06-RR1 on ebay which is a Limited edition. I don't really care about price im just looking for a bass with good sound quality and i would like this one to be a 4 string. I am in a band who covers like green day, a day to remember, fall out boy and blink 182 stuff so if you could let me know what would be best and any suggestions would be appreciated thanks alot!

I am looking for a Real Estate Agents weekly Prospecting and Marketing plan. Thanks?

I am a rookie in real estate and I'm looking for some help in developing a weekly marketing and prospecting plan. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

I have a tall fence, but my new rescue dog can climb everything including chain link. Any ideas?

My dog is two years old. She escaped weekly from the resuce facility which had tall chain link sides and a chain link top. The workers couldn't figure out how she did it. I am very concerned about her escaping from my yard. I have considered the invisible fence, but I am concerned about scaring this already skiddish dog. HELP!

How do I fix my answered questions count on Facebook?

On Facebook I answered 7 questions and for some reason I decided to delete one of the questions I answered that they kept track (you know the section under your pro. picture?) It should really say I answered 6 questions but it still says 7. How can I correct this? Or have it recounted. I don't know why it bothers me so much, it just does. Help?

My guitar pickup is shorting out **HELP**?

i have a 97 ibanez iceman (ic300) and when i play on my bridge pickup sometimes itll short out and make no sound at all.but when i jiggle the pup selector it comes back on(untill it shorts out again) idk if its the selector or if theres a bad connection in the pickups or what...please help,i need to sell this soon and i cant when the pickups dont work

Beyond the story of Dred Scott, explain the various aspects and points of the 'United States Supreme Court's r?

Beyond the story of Dred Scott, explain the various aspects and points of the 'United States Supreme Court's ruling' in the Dred Scott case as they particularly pertained to the overall status of slaves. Do NOT recount the 'events or story of Dred Scott in particular'.

Bank made error with cash and now I'm missing money?

The bank DID NOT make an error. YOU made an error. There is NO possible excuse for EVER taking ANYONE'S word about how much cash YOU are handling. The INSTANT the money left his hand without YOU verifying the amount, any shortage became 100% YOUR fault. Even if it was actually short, there is NO POSSIBLE way to prove YOU didn't remove $100 AFTER you left the bank.

I can't STAND HER? Help?

Yeah, you do have a right. She's a "git" as Ron Weasley says. Lol. Why does she always talk to you? You should just be brief with her, and don't have actual discussions with her. Be VERY distant. I hate b*tches like that. She also seems REALLY jealous of you. You must be doing something right. OR, you could tell her to STFU. It's your choice )

What Is A Weekly Budget?

There Is This Site Called MyLikes Where You Promoted Site And Products & I Want To Know What A Weekly Budget Means Because It Says $200.00 & Max cost-per-click -$0.40 What Does That Mean

Did doctors hit newborn babies across the rear once born for some reason?

I'm reading a story in which a man recounts that he was hit across the rear when he was a newborn baby. I'm wondering if there was some kind of medical reason why they would do that. I've tried Googling it but can't find any real mention. Does anyone know?

How much conditoner should I add to my fish tank?

I have a 5 gallon fish tank and i do 50% water changes weekly, but Im not entirely sure how much too add. the bottle says add 7 drops per gallon. So far, im just treating the water i replace(2.5 gallons) So am I supposed to add conditioner for the entire 5 gallons or just how much water I change?

Folklore,myths and legends pleaseee help!! if your not gonna help then dont say anything please!!?

The only way to help you is to tell you to study and do your own work. It does not help you to have someone GIVE you the answers.

Did China lose the first Sino-Japanese War in 1895 due to their corrupt businessmen?

You are absolutely correct! I could only imagine their guns firing out liquid bubbles or maybe it popped out a flag that says: "FINISHED"

Where can i get a new output jack wire for my Ibanez Iceman icx120 guitar? How do i put it in my guitar?

I stepped on my guitar cable and the output jack ripped out of my guitar... this is the second time this has happened and the first time the people had to cut the wire short. now it is to short to put back together. i need a new wire. where can i get a new wire and jack?

Out of control brother age 20, need immediate help?

My brother has become out of control and abusive since dating his girlfriend. He throws things, screams, hits me and swings at our mother, lies, steals, and more. He overdrafts his bank account on a weekly basis by hundreds of dollars, and mom is passive and does not hold him accountable for anything. The girlfriend is a huge problem-we found a blog she kept for months about what idiots our family is, and she deleted it-but it's still a nightmare dealing with them. Now, the new thing is a 4th of July trip he wants to go on with her. My mom wants to kick him out if he goes, but I think it is going to kill her. The situation would be easier to deal with if my mom didn't have stage 4 breast cancer. The stress of my brother's actions are too much on her. The situation would also be easier if my dad was around, but he is just as dysfunctional as my brother, and my mom is currently filing for divorce. I let them move into my home a few months ago, and I wish things were easier. Any advice? We need help.

Parents who had a rather adventurist past, how often do you recount those tales to your children?

Those with a not-so-adventurist past, do you embellish your tales a little (or maybe even a great deal over time)?

Which bass guitar is better Ibanez JTKB200 or Epiphone EB3?

I want to get a new bass but i cant decided between the two. I really like Ibanez and the JTKB200 looks amazing but whats it like perfomance wise? also is the 200 better than the 300 which one would you suggest. I also thought about getting a Ibanez RD06-RR1 Its a limeted edition i found on eBay i will leave a link to it at the bottom of the page. But when it comes to the SG style Epiphone i defiantely prefer the EB3 to the EB0 is one better and why? But there is also a westfield version the westfield B2000 so which will be better? I have been playing for about 3 years and my price range is anything between �100 and �200. I might be joining a band who covers stuff like green day, blink 182, a day to rember and fall out boy. So which bass would be best for fitting in with that style of music, which one plays better and which make is better im just so confused!